Aboriginal people must be seen as full and equal partners in Confederation and must be encouraged halloween snoopy crocband clog in their right to control the development of institutions that have an impact on the governance of their communities.
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in respect to the breaches of laws that are enforced in the lands ceded, the Indian tribes retain authority to enforce such laws and to bring to justice and punishment such Indians who offended treaty halloween snoopy crocband clog and non-Indian laws outside of reserved Indian lands. In Manitoba the First Nations interpret this provision of the treaty as recognition that our tribal sovereignty extends to the exercise of jurisdiction over Indian persons who violate the treaty and the laws that apply on ceded lands. In asserting such jurisdiction, the Indian tribes who signed the treaties containing this provision are to further aid and assist the officers of Her Majesty in bringing to justice and punishment such Indian offenders. Such aid and assistance provided by the Indian tribes goes beyond the policing of their people,
but involves a role for the Indian tribe in the administration of justice and punishment even on lands that have been ceded under treaty. • Federal legislation, enacted pursuant to the federal power to create courts under section 104 of the Constitution Act, 1867. There undoubtedly will have to be negotiations involving federal and provincial governments and Aboriginal representatives if the establishment of Aboriginal justice systems is to become a reality. One of the purposes of this section of the report is to assist in those negotiations, if we can, by addressing those concerns that appear to be most obvious and by recommending how they might be addressed. We recognize that our views will have an impact upon the discussions concerning the content and form of future Aboriginal justice systems. Aboriginal-government negotiations are an inevitable outcome of our report.

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