if you hit anyone and the hit you back that’s called self defence Harry potter hufflepuff ugly christmas sweater It always confuses me when we talk about equality in regards to violence because one in three women are domestically abused??? A woman is more likely to be murdered by a male partner than anybody else???
Harry potter hufflepuff ugly christmas sweater
i guess a man is supposed to wait until half of his head is busted open until he defends himself. noooo, i’ve seen females hit guys with their fists, guys try to walk away then a weapon comes out and guys still try to walk away but when she keeps coming and then he fights back,he is still wrong. if a man should walk away…so should a woman I agree to a point, Harry potter hufflepuff ugly christmas sweater don’t hit!no one has the right to purposely hurt anyone, if a woman is in a relationship with a man and in frustration in a argument she lashes out

I think out of respect if she is 5ft and 7/8 stone she is not going to do the damage a 6ft 12 stone man would if he hit her back but if she continues to keep at it or it’s a regular thing you can’t expect him not to snap every one has a limit and no matter the size or weight if you are deliberately trying to hurt someone except they will snap!!! my lord etched the end of the video and the woman opposite whoppie is like “there gonna take him to jail” honey
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