Sometimes you don’t know the other person you’re hitting and you’re dumb Harry potter ugly christmas sweater if you think you can hit someone and not get hit back. My granddaddy always told me if your hit a man be prepared to get hit like a man. Its that simple and to this day I live by it. They have a right to protect themselves from us crazy bitches
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You all desperate to make us admit you can hit us back when it already says in the law self defence is a complete defence as long as it’s a reasonably proportionate response for both men and women!! Discussion of men’s rights and protection from domestic violence is SO important and SO relevant today Harry potter ugly christmas sweater but honestly I think including it in discussions of gender equality (usually as an implicit jab at feminism) can often be a little misplaced.

It’s usually feminism that has more involvement in supported gender equality that has harmful implications for men because we believe that their pain is just as serious and they can be just as vulnerable and deserving of protection and respect. However, if a woman (albeit wrongly) slaps you and you as a larger stronger man knock her lights out, it’s quite obvious that’s an act of revenge and anger, and no crime can be excused on the basis of you using excessive force because you feel emasculated. Why is this even an argument? Keep your hands to yourself.
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