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And it’s spiraling. Smiling is infectious, you can catch it like the ‘flu. When somebody smiled at me today, I started smiling too, and as I turned the corner, someone saw my grin and when he smiled I realised, I’d passed mine on to him! Then, as I thought about this smile I realised it’s worth… Have a mickey christmas full printing ugly christmas sweater one single smile just like mine could travel around the earth! Since you’re in Ghana, could you possibly speak with my birth father?

I haven’t seen him in 11 years, and haven’t met my siblings with his other wife or his wife. It would be so cool if you could do that!!! Wonderful- my plan is to be buried in a natural burial ground in this part of Sussex. The thought of becoming a tall sturdy oak with birds singing in my branches is very comforting. No wasting gas burning me to ash, thanks. it’s incredibly unlikely that there will be a human race, never mind oil-burning engines in 10s of millions of years.
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