These folks are folks. Why not be kind? Have yourself a merry little christmas red truck christmas quilt Actually, that is not a biological fact. In nature, some animals actually change gender, and more. I’d go on, but I’m thinking your scientific comprehension matches your name. It would, therefore, be quite useless.
Have yourself a merry little christmas red truck christmas quilt
Love this dad. He knows what has to be said. And to the person saying it’s the parents fault that the kid feels he has to be a different person that’s not how it works all of you people need to read and learn what a transgender is and how it happens shame on all of you people especially if your parents love your kid no matter what it is a scientific fact that there are human beings Have yourself a merry little christmas red truck christmas quilt with xy chromosomes with androgen insensitivity who outwardly appear and develop as female. they actually have external female genitalia with underdeveloped testes in their abdomen.

there are also people with a variety of chromosomal abnormalities such asor , and even those with certain organs bein and others being. these are absolutely scientifically proven genetic issues, and are not mental issues. there are a lot of mental issues in humans as well. It’s actually not statistically insignificant. But even if the numbers are, in you own opinion, low how does that justify denial of their existence?
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