On reflection, the proposed language is confusing and would be difficult to apply. here we go pittsburgh steelers full printing shirt The underlying concept, to the extent it has merit, is better covered in the exemption paragraph 1904.5.
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The case is work-related even if the employer cannot determine why the employee tripped, or whether any particular workplace hazard caused the accident to occur. here we go pittsburgh steelers full printing shirt However, if the employee reports an injury at work but cannot say whether it resulted from an event that occurred at work or at home, as in the example of the swollen joint, the employer might determine that the case is not work-related because the employee’s work duties were unlikely to have caused, contributed to, or significantly aggravated such an injury. OSHA has decided not to include this proposed exception in the final rule because the final rule’s overall definition of work-environment addresses this situation in a simple and straightforward way.
If the employee is taking part in the activity and is either working or present as a condition of employment, he or she is in the work environment and any injury or illness that arises is presumed to be work-related and must then be evaluated for its recordability under the general recording criteria. Thus, if the employee is engaged in an activity at a location away from the establishment, any injury or illness occurring during that activity is considered work-related if the worker is present as a condition of employment . For those situations where the employee is engaged in volunteer work away from the establishment and is not working or present as a condition of employment, the case is not considered work-related under the general definition of work-relationship. There is thus no need for a special exception. Based on a review of the record on this issue, OSHA has decided not to include this proposed exception in the final rule.

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