I would sure like to know how living paycheck to paycheck is a privilege? I’m not yelling i’m a teacher that’s how we talk fleece blanket Many white people are out of work and homeless! How is that a privilege? He wasn’t handing them a Bible he was handing them a book he wrote himself.
I’m not yelling i’m a teacher that’s how we talk fleece blanket
We don’t need religion to teach us right and wrong, we know, we pleading ignorance on judgment day is not going to excuse anyone, we have nature in many forms and we have conscience, we will I believe all get an opportunity to tell God someday that we choose to believe or not believe I’m not yelling i’m a teacher that’s how we talk fleece blanket but I don’t believe we’re going to be able to say ” I didn’t know better ” in whatever we choose ignorance over I agree!
People are just out looking for things to get offended over. I can remember when people would copy funny jokes. Those who didn’t like them either didn’t take one or threw it out! No one is going to be traumatized by a book they didn’t read or a joke they threw away. What does irritate me is that if “white” people protest anything they are racist Christian Homophobes! But anyone else can protest whatever they want and it’s their right. People say “white privilege”?
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