as long as you don’t kill them. It says that any woman who disobeys can be beaten and killed. It says that gossip is a sin. It says that PORK is a sin. In this house we are real we are brave american army poster You don’t do any of those things??Or you agree that slaves are ok? Really? How do you people not see the contradictions here?
In this house we are real we are brave american army poster
If you aren’t hurting others, you’re not sinning. Plain and simple. The Bible was divinely inspired, but written by man in a time very different than our own, and then translated hundreds of times from a foreign language. Not to mention there were more gospels not included in the version we use today, contradictions between gospels, In this house we are real we are brave american army poster some disparity about who actually authored what, and a biblical canon wasn’t even first decided upon until the 5th century.

Be informed before you base your life on a book. I’m a Christian woman but I still use my head and heart. I hope you can rid of the hate in your heart. It’s ungodly. You cry because you are terrified your family will be hateful and kick you out, you cry because you’re finally free, you cry because you’re finally able to live your beautiful truth. Wrong? Because a 2000 year old book says so? Welp, it also says that wearing two different fabrics is a sin. It says that having slaves is acceptable, and you can even beat them,
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