when all she did was make an innocent comment about HER faith! LSU football champions 2019 legends players shirt That is her right and her way of life! You are the ones trying to shove your atheism down everyone else’s throat! So why can’t you accept what Christians believe and let them be?
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and who only can take us to death .. believe in your god to enter paradise at the end .read alot about allah and about islam and you will be so happy .your information about allah not perfect my brother. i am not okay in english but i hope my message had received there’s no God ! There are people and there is science. LSU football champions 2019 legends players shirt If there was a God why create sick and handicapped children in the first place??? Please don’t give me that “God has a reason”

or the “god is testing us” BS. you would never know that to be true. How would you feel if someone trolled you and trashed the one thing that brings you hope and comfort. You’re a self righteous bully. it is wonderful to see that there are some people left in this world with the sense to give the credit to God. God bless you! The atheist TROLLS need to just mind their own! You atheists CLOWNS wanna whine about how Christian people are trying to shove religion down your stupid throats
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