the resulting injury is considered work-related under the geographic national football league las vegas raiders full printing shirt presumption because the precipitating event — the tripping accident — occurred in the workplace.
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Paragraph 1904.5 states that an injury or illness is considered work-related if “an event or exposure in the work environment either caused or contributed to the resulting national football league las vegas raiders full printing shirt condition orsignificantly aggravated a pre-existing injury or illness.” As discussed above, OSHA agrees that non-work-related injuries and illnesses should not be recorded on the OSHA Log. To ensure that non-work-related cases are not entered on the Log, paragraph 1904.5 requires employers to consider as non-work-related any injury or illness that “involves signs or symptoms that surface at work but result solely from a non-work-related event or exposure that occurs outside the work environment.” nother flaw in the proposal arises from its proposed recording requirement in the case of “aggravation” of prior conditions.
As drafted, the rule would require reporting as an occupational injury or illness a musculoskeletal condition arising away from work which becomes aggravated by performing job duties (i.e., the job increases discomfort), when accompanied by swelling or inflammation. Thus, an employee who hurts his wrist playing tennis on the weekend and who returns to his word processing job Monday would have a reportable MSD under the rule. With such criteria for recordation, reported occupational injuries and illnesses would skyrocket, and yet most often these reports would reflect conditions arising away from work. In applying paragraph 1904.5, the question employers must answer is whether the precipitating event or exposure occurred in the work environment. If an event, such as a fall, an awkward motion or lift, an assault, or an instance of horseplay, occurs at work, the geographic presumption applies and the case is work-related unless it otherwise falls within an exception. Thus, if an employee trips while walking across a level factory floor,

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