Then, the Bible is homophobic… which it clearly is not!!! NFL san francisco 49ers full over print shirt If people want to use that argument, then the Bible is homophobic to any person who sins. freedom was violated as well as his free speech. I hope he challenges the City of Atlanta. Thank you sir for your service as a firefighter
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Most people don’t come to Christ because a lot of times they done something in the past or had failures in life that made them feel unworthy but here’s the deal He wants your right where you are with all of your heart aches,failures ,and past mistakes He doesn’t require you to be perfect and then take u He wants you now This is a wonderful, NFL san francisco 49ers full over print shirt Godly man who has lived his life well and did what he could to help others do the same. The people involved in his firing need to be brought to task

and removed from their positions! There ain’t no god, fool. You’re all alone in the universe, except for other people, who maybe you should start treating with more love and acceptance. The people that were involved in his firing did the right thing. You dont pass material around your workplace calling another group of individuals vile, vulgar, perverted, and equating them to pedophiles and rapists. Save it for your church. your statement is horrifying. christians have tax-free mega-churches, the ear of the president,
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