I love her not her face or body I love her personality is very important Nurse skull floral all over print hoodie than look alike great story. Right! Because if we are always looking at the good side literally. we could never find the very right. nobody i really perfect, so therefore embrace eache others imperfections!
Nurse skull floral all over print hoodie
You tell me what you think I know many people want watch the video but it’s truly and amazingly heart warming. Thank you if you do add something to this because we never know what life hold for us or when our last moments may be with someone! Do anyone realized he is an ass he act blind causes the wife to work even harder for the both of them to make ends meet. money don’t just drop from the sky you know? Fyi. I have never seen blind people work before. Nurse skull floral all over print hoodie Not sure this was such a great idea. By faking a handicap, he placed an unnecessary burden on his wife having to be his caretaker.

How much better it would have been for him to just say: “Honey, no matter how you look, I love the special person that you are!” Then she would know he truly loved her for who she was, not how she looked. She would have been more happy if she knew that her husband can see her and loves her the same regardless of her looks. This story promotes lies in a relationship to keep each other happy which isnt good. Yes I will stay with my woman if she change or whatever I will stay with her
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