that 90% of the ignorant, sub-literate, Oakland raiders girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt low iq people who post on social media just happen to be trump supporters. it’s just an amazing development! this cnn story is showing you exactly what fake news is
Oakland raiders girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt
I think it is ironic that one Fox Newscaster say one thing and the other one during evening programming says the exact opposite because he gets night phone calls from the president and doesn’t to make him look bad. its great how this article is calling out Fox for reporting false, destructive, Oakland raiders girl classy sassy and a bit smart assy shirt and divisive news and you down play it to a mistake

because you’re too dumb to have your own opinions and can only repeat what Conservatives tell you so when fox commits another lying, anti-american act then finally after tons of pressure, admits it…cnn shouldn’t report it? and why is “news” capitalized in your comment there melissa? as far as that goes, how come you can’t construct a complete sentence melissa? i continue to wonder if it is a coincidence
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