displace less senior employees in other jobs for which they are qualified. once upon a time there was a boy who really wanted to become a car mechanic poster BOULWARISM – A management tactic used at the bargaining table
once upon a time there was a boy who really wanted to become a car mechanic poster
CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEE – An employee whose job requires him/her to develop or present management positions on labor relations and/or collective bargaining, once upon a time there was a boy who really wanted to become a car mechanic poster or whose duties normally require access to confidential information that contributes significantly to the development of such management positions. Confidential employees are not in the bargaining unit and do not have the right to bargain collectively. COMPANY UNION – An employee organization, usually in one company, that is dominated by management. The NLRA declared that such employer domination is an unfair labor practice. COMMUNITY OF INTEREST – Factors, such as common supervision, job tasks, hours, working conditions, wages and benefits, etc., which determine which groups of employees the NLRB will include in an appropriate bargaining unit.
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT – A written agreement or contract that is the result of negotiations between an employer and a union. It sets out the conditions of employment (wages, hours, benefits, etc.) and ways to settle disputes arising during the term of the contract. Collective bargaining agreements usually run for a definite period–one, two or three years. At times, the term is used synonymously with Memorandum of Understanding or MOU. COLA – A cost of living adjustment or escalator clause tied to inflation rates. However, this term is often incorrectly used to describe wage increases that are granted across-the-board to all employees, without regard to any statistic such as the Consumer Price Index . CERTIFICATION – Formal recognition of a union as the exclusive representative of a bargaining unit, usually accomplished through a representation election by employees in the bargaining unit. BUMPING – A contractual right (also known as “displacement”) whereby employees scheduled for layoff are permitted to bump or
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