it is always up to the other person to provide their body or not. Once upon a time there was a girl who kicked breast cancer all over print blanket I’ll remember to call you when I need a kidney your ignorant that innocent baby is a person!! It’s so dumb of you to say otherwise it is a human
Once upon a time there was a girl who kicked breast cancer all over print blanket
well it did start out that way until science proved its life then the argument changed to it’s a woman’s right to choose . And of course Roe v wade placed decision in the woman’s hands . Roe vs Wade was ruled in the manner it was because the argument has always been, Once upon a time there was a girl who kicked breast cancer all over print blanket “Is it a womans right to choose” and the answer is yes. Because it is always a persons right to choose over their own body.
that life in the womb cannot ask or answer for life or death. That life in the womb cannot live without that womans body. The whole purpose of sex is not procreation. Humans are among very few species that have sex for pleasure as well as reproduction. Murder is the unlawful killing of a person. A fetus is neither a person in the eyes of the law, nor is abortion unlawful, so no, not murder. When person cannot live without the aid of another persons body,
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