Love these vids. Always brings a tear to my eye. Ride twenty one pilots i just wanna stay in the sun poster Alot of people dont understand the sacrifices families go through to keep our country safe! God bless the men and women that have the courage to leave their families behind to protect this nation!
Ride twenty one pilots i just wanna stay in the sun poster
Doesn’t it make you wonder why we come into the world and we don’t know anything at least we can’t show we know anything except by the expression on her face someday we will know All truth I hope these families all also learned sign language to communicate with their children. Ride twenty one pilots i just wanna stay in the sun poster Just because they have hearing aids it doesnt mean they can “hear,” it means whatever hearing they have has been amplified and theres a chance as they get older that they will experience more hearing loss.

Cochlear implants and hearing aids arent a cure for deafness or hard of hearing. There’s a community of people they can look up to and empower them about being Deaf/Hard of Hearing if they learn to sign making their life full of accessibility. There are people out there who believe that it is okay to ‘abort’ a baby after birth because they are not ‘real humans’ yet. These babies have just proved them all wrong. If they weren’t ‘real humans’ yet, they would not react that way.
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