Anyone being negative about this needs some serious help, San francisco 49ers vs new orleans saints marcus williams shirt maybe you do need some faith in your lives! Maybe it’d bring you some joy in life instead of being miserable jerks like you’re being for downing someone else’s opinions and views! You don’t HAVE to believe in anything,
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it’s so silly that people thing God is this terrible thing in the sky that is just causing pain and taking babies hearing away wow. There is a God and there is a Devil. There is good and evil in this world. And i see where your view is. And i am sorry you have had bad things happen in your life to San francisco 49ers vs new orleans saints marcus williams shirt make you feel this way about God. It’s so sad.. but one day you will find out the truth and see for yourself all there is to say.. and He also gave the brain

and abilities to human beings so they can discover and create what He could give effortlessly to everyone but gave the lucky humans the privilege to do something good for the fellow human beings. It is very unfortunate that some humans will never understand the wisdom of God, be ungrateful to Him, may He be merciful to them and give them the privilege to feel the sense of gratitude towards Him. Ameen The negativity over this comment or any comment mentioning God is just downright pathetic!
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