that the US military is fighting to protect them and their rights..while the rich reap the profits of war. So why are you here in a military page fucker? Shuh duh fuh cup bear drinking camping all over print shirt You hate your country so fucking much then go make yourself a target in the sandbox. I’m not saying I disagree 100% but I get it
Shuh duh fuh cup bear drinking camping all over print shirt
then these soldiers are damaged beyond repair. Medications can only go so far, these folks see and did things that will never leave their minds. The us government must intervene now, and help these soldiers from killing themselves. Nothing before ever mission that they need to be gathered up Shuh duh fuh cup bear drinking camping all over print shirt and pray over them for God to keep them safe and direct your path and give them wisdom and knowledge

and strength to do the job that they are to do even God sent Warriors and the battle he went before them are you still going before then I served and that’s not relevant! Our US military is being exploited to steal resources from weaker nations. When soldiers realize this it naturally makes them “bitter.” And suicidal It was a Christian cult that drank the cyanide-laced Kool Aid at Jonestown, Guyana. And it is quite true that big money interests control our economy…and own the media which tells everyone
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