That’s right! I operate scissor lifts and work around dangerous machines. Yet, despite my 98% hearing loss, I have a stellar safety track record. Synthesizer in life the roland tr 808 1980 poster That’s more than I can say for many of my hearing peers. As a kid, I was very independent. Safe? You need to check yourself lady.
Synthesizer in life the roland tr 808 1980 poster
Also, can you please explain your statement “those deaf people that oppose this is being absolutely ridiculous and selfish.” How are they being selfish or ridiculous? I have Deaf family members and close friends as well, and they aren’t against hearing. They are against being viewed as “broken” and being told they have Synthesizer in life the roland tr 808 1980 poster to get hearing aids/cochlear implants/speech therapy then having their beautiful language and culture stripped from them because they are now “fixed.” This is a wonderful video,
and it does cause some controversy because of the topics it can bring up and implications that being Deaf is miserable and being hearing is better, when that is not the case. I enjoy the video, and I know that is not the intention of the video, but I also understand why it can make others upset, but that certainly doesn’t make them selfish or ridiculous. Are you friggin serious? Your comment is so ignorant! OMG…….I’m deaf. And guess what? I’m as safe as the next hearing person. I’ve been driving for almost 30 years. No tickets and no hearing. I also build aircrafts.
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