STS on an audiogram to ensure that the STS is permanent before recording it. the tennessee titans football team full printing shirt The employer may correct the employee’s audiogram results for aging, using the same methods
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and audiology professionals who wished to avoid using a computer to calculate an STS. The standard requires employers to take follow-up actions when an STS is identified, the tennessee titans football team full printing shirt notify the affected employee, evaluate and refit hearing protectors, retrain the employee, and, if necessary, refer the employee for medical evaluation. OSHA’s proposed recording criterion for hearing loss received more comments than the proposed criterion for any other type of injury or illness other than musculoskeletal disorders. The hearing loss comments cover a wide variety of issues, including which hearing test results should or should not be considered an OSHA recordable illness, the choice of baseline audiograms, retesting and persistence of hearing loss, determining work relatedness,
the appropriateness of correcting audiograms for aging , and the role of physicians and other licensed health care professionals in the determination of recordable hearing loss cases. The issues raised by commenters are organized by topic and discussed below. Paragraph 1904.10 allows the employer not to record a hearing loss case if physician or other licensed health care professional determines that the hearing loss is not work-related or has not been aggravated by occupational noise exposure. This provision is consistent with the Occupational Noise standard, and it allows the employer not to record a hearing loss case that is not related to workplace events or exposures; examples of such cases are hearing loss cases occurring before the employee is hired or those unrelated to workplace noise. Paragraphs 1904.10 and of the final rule allow the employer to take into account the hearing loss that occurs as a result of the aging process and to retest an employee who has an
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