Sometime in life contact is dealt with contact swiftly. Karma comes in many forms as it say in the bible you give and you shall receive. To my beautiful daughter be brave have courage elephants fleece blanket Also it has been proven that there are lots more women out there who are extremely violent towards men these are cases that get thrown about by police or whoever
To my beautiful daughter be brave have courage elephants fleece blanket
if you hit someone you are allowed to defend yourself 1+1, equal force plus one…in this case the male used equal force to defend himself against an attack, I hope that woman is charged with battery. This isn’t a matter of equal rights it’s a matter of someone defending themselves against a bully. If you lay your hands on someone they have a right to defend themselves, wheater their life is in danger or not is simantics. To my beautiful daughter be brave have courage elephants fleece blanket But if a women is hitting me I’m not gonna just hit her first I’ll try and stop the hitting before I go there but even then you usually are stronger so you can restrain them.
But whoopi is 100% right By nature men are just stronger. Nothing wrong with it, just how it is. what race you are what you are you’re still a human and if you need to defend yourself then defend yourself, regardless of race it doesn’t portray anything unless you need to justify your own sovereignty of race, and go both ways. Some women are exceptionally strong and fast with their hands. Yes I agree a man shouldn’t it a women generally BUT he should have the right to defend himself if needed without prejudice.
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