Look at his party. Look at the indictments, look at the guilty charges. To my mom i know it’s not easy for a woman to raise a man poster Look at the dealings with Russia. Come on, the Mod Boss Don the Con is trying to keep his hands clean but we all know him too is dirty behind the ears. They are all in this together.
To my mom i know it’s not easy for a woman to raise a man poster
Innocent people don’t behave the way he did. He was a very, disrespectful, arrogant and an all around piece of shit. He’s not fit to be a judge. As I watched the proceedings, I was embarrassed for him, but also amused watching him dig himself deeper into the whole he’s already in. we must have been watching different hearings!!!! To my mom i know it’s not easy for a woman to raise a man poster What I saw was a man who was sorely maligned by the Dems and media, and falsely accused by another poor person
who was also misused for political gain!!!! Some of his strongest opponents are more guilty of worse actions than he has been accused of!!! I wouldn’t even go there. Since Trump has taken office, he brings up the Dems and falsely accusing them of all kinds of things. Them Dems are worried as many of us are. We are seeing what is happening to America and every lie Trump throws out daily. That’s why the “Don the Con” name. He can’t be trusted. Without trust we truly have nothing.
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