always a way out.. so sick this.. Valhalla odin valknut viking full printing shirt so your saying if a parent should donate their infant for testing its ok?? Since rhey cant speak for themselves.. If what your saying you truely believe..or are you in fact arguing when life begins as you said wasnt the case…
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I consider myself a moderately well educated person, but I can’t find the logic in your argument. I mean when you equate a fetus with kidney, then I am out of here. Nothing I can say will change your mind. your ignorant at best, you would kill just because you want pleasure and by the way as Valhalla odin valknut viking full printing shirt I would pray my kidney or other donated organs do not go to save a life that chooses to murder babies that option is not mine to give.

I cannot put on the donation paper “Yes, I would like to donate my organs, however not to anyone who has killed and that’s including murderous abortionists”. If you truly believe that sex is for pleasure, you need to study more… The sole purpose of sexual intercourse is to procreate you daft twit when you have sex for pleasure are you not responsible for what that action might create??? Of course not because thats how all of these so called people think. Never take responsibility ..
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