I submit that if these issues are not fully “fleshed out” in the proposal or its preamble, who dat new orleans saints full printing shirt this subparagraph will result in the creation of more questions than it resolves.
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OSHA has decided to rely on activity-based rather than location-based exemptions in the final rule. The parking lot exception in the final rule applies to cases in which employees who dat new orleans saints full printing shirt are injured in motor vehicle accidents commuting to and from work and running personal errands , but does not apply to cases in which an employee slips in the parking lot or is injured in a motor vehicle accident while conducting company business . This exception is codified at paragraph 1904.5 of the final rule. OSHA believes that injuries and illnesses sustained by employees engaged in purely personal tasks at the workplace, outside of their assigned working hours, are not relevant for statistical purposes and that information about such injuries and illnesses would not be useful
for research or other purposes underlying the recordkeeping requirements. OSHA has therefore decided to include some parts of the proposed exception in the final rule. Additional language has been added to the exception since the proposal to clarify that the exception also applies when the employee is on the premises outside of his or her assigned working hours, as the NFIB pointed out. More explanation be provided regarding the further limitation on this exclusion. For example, does this section of the proposal envision the exclusion of injuries and illnesses resulting from personal tasks performed during overtime (i.e., outside of normal working hours)? If I am injured while talking to my spouse on the phone during regular business hours, must the case be recorded, while if the same injury occurs during overtime, the case is non-recordable? Also, how are injuries to salaried employees treated under this aspect of the proposal?

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