A recent MRI shows back problems probably causing nerve damage throughout my legs. The golden girls tropical flower hawaiian shirt I will NEVER know because my U Of M appointment was cancelled because my insurance wont cover it. I pay for that????
The golden girls tropical flower hawaiian shirt
There has never been a time where your taxes have gone to paying for abortions and never will. Those surgeries/pills (depending on how long you’re pregnant) have always been The golden girls tropical flower hawaiian shirt upfront cost and are considered within the same category as a cosmetic surgery. Insurance doesn’t cover them and neither will taxes. We’re talking about life threatening illnesses that absolutely cripple one’s financial stability because pharmaceutical companies wanna make a dollar. I know doctors need to make wages but they’re aren’t just paid nothing. There are plenty of excellent examples where you receive amazing care from a social healthcare system such as Canada and doctors are still paid amazingly.
If you were put in a situation of where you needed to decide for your life over this argument where you clearly don’t know all the facts, you wouldn’t be on Facebook claiming democrats all want their abortions paid for. There is still private industry for procedures such as that. “to force doctor to treat you is slavery” UMMM WHAT I THINK TF NOT ….have you lost you got damn mind wow we just did away with government funding for planned Parenthood. Where do you think the government got the money for that? TAX PAYERS MONEY! Now there trying to slip it back in under this universal health care program. How is it not? Its telling someone that you are entitled to their time, knowledge, and abilities even against their will. It’s a form of slavery. Its enslaving them to you. I havent walk unaided in 3 years. It began with an undiagnosed broken femur bone and escalated.
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