that makes more difficulty for deaf drivers wanting to take a break Tito’s vodka shorts from cooking once in a while with stay home order. Idiot! I’m grateful here where I live they have no issues as partly because of large Deaf community and deaf school nearby.
Tito’s vodka shorts
If it’s closed because of coronavirus bring someone with you who can order for u. On the other hand that guy had a very short fuse and should have calmed down. Tito’s vodka shorts This happened way before the pandemic. She probably didn’t go in because the dining room was probably closed for the night. What’s ridiculous is you stating anyone with a disability is not privy to the same privileges as anyone else. If I’m deaf, mute, paralyzed, whatever, I can use the drive thru same as anyone else. For anyone deaf who lives by themselves, you are stating they cannot be independent but should rely on someone else every time they want to go through a drive thru, be it for a coffee or a meal.
Thankfully there are laws against discrimination so everyone can enjoy the convenience of a drive thru. Not so shocking is that this actually happens more than is being shown. All we can do is record these and report them to corporate until someone does something. I dont get this. I have had 3 instances with deaf customers when I worked retail, and each time I tried my hardest to help them to the best of my capabilities. I even helped someone who was blind find a book on tape before. Its called common courtesy, and doing your fucking job. This guy is a fucking dick, and I hope he never gets another job, and looses everything and becomes homeless. Would serve him right. With COVID-19 and restaurants depend on drive-thru

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