And this guy can talk REAL GOOD, bit it’s still crap, bullshit. Tropical labrador hawaiian shirt It is likely that many of us have seen love from both sides. I just hope that we learn from it. Do not hold on to it.
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what goes around will eventually come back to you! If you treat someone unfairly it comes back and happens to you. Just one definition. I don’t think its always our fault. Tropical labrador hawaiian shirt But life has a way of paying one back for hurting others or it teaches us lessons. It may take a while but you may soon understand why what happened had to happen. It could be for something better. All the best. if Karma is paying for your wrongs from a previous life. Then what wrongs where you paying for in your first life . How do you pay for a previous life you never lived. The difference between karma and Jesus Christ is that He paid your debts and the debts of everyone when
He died on the cross and then on the third day was risen from the dead. And all He asks in return is to call on His name and believe. scripture is very clear ‘to do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. In other words live a life that is pleasing to God. true however karma could be your friend too, do good untoo others and good will always come your way! other than the idea of karma being foolishness. Yes it’s good to recognize the actions we take affect others. But the universe does not balance itself which Is the idea of karma Why do some idiots feel if they quote a chapter and verse that it somehow means the bullshit is true? Crap us crap, doesn’t matter WHO has said it…
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