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I have seen your photo many times on news reports, I wondered what might have happened to you. So happy you have found peace & love specially a Mother’s love. The photo with your Baby is so Beautiful, I will always remember you. God has blessed you. God bless you dear lady, Viking god viking warrior full printing shirt your testimony should be an inspiration to all, recently had the opportunity close by where this happened to hear a story

of all of a ladies family wiped out except her, seen her tears and felt a her pain, God is good. I Had wondered many times what had become of that frightened little girl inso much pain and agony.I saw that picture in the Time magazine long time ago.Now I know.What an amazing human being.Forgiveness is the key to being peaceful.God gave her the strenght to endure someone needs to stand for the rights of the viable human who gets no say over whether they “choose” to live or die. intelligent and caring women would have made their “choices” before using this excuse to murder a tiny human. if you think late term abortion is good,
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