I suffer from a severe case of CPTSD and borderline agoraphobia from being hit Volkswagen symbol anti-dust cotton face mask by a car and left broken in the street to die I am both physically and mentally crippled
Volkswagen symbol anti-dust cotton face mask
should live and which child should die is not going to affect them at all??….and taking care of patients knowing that you are all they have bc they cant have their mommy or daddy there with them…. Volkswagen symbol anti-dust cotton face mask or have loved ones there to comfort them??…knowing that a very worried overly exhausted mother and father is sitting in the hospital 24/7 waiting to hear good news that their child is getting better…or even worse…their child is dying and they cant be there to comfort and hold them 1 last time…or tell them they love them 1 last time? And these nurses have to watch this happen day in and day out every single day of their lives?? Parents and loved ones begging and pleading and crying to please
please save their child or loved one but you dont have all the supplies you need bc you have ran out of everything?…..i mean thats hard….so yes….Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is very very real for the people on the front line of this deadly virus..and having to choose who lives and who dies would make anyone break down…. Like jesus have some compassion nurses see death every God damned day!!! Eventually you get used to it. Hence the reason why I think no doctor or nurse would have any reason to have PTSD!! Because they see death every day! It’s not like they are soldiers fighting a war or like a young child who survived rape and abuse!! I’ve got a therapist with appointments every other week just because I know what this is going to do to me. nurses and doctors…

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