My husband made 600 a paycheck We are the daughters of the witches you could not burn blanket his work couldn’t afford to keep him on and we had a months worth of nicu bills. I got 19 dollars worth of food stamps. How are other people getting thousands with free rent with all other benifets
We are the daughters of the witches you could not burn blanket
So what your saying is let’s take more money from people who actually worked their ads off for. Instead of thinking oh I can’t afford that , think how you can afford that. Most of these people who have expensive cars and amazing homes and everything else work their We are the daughters of the witches you could not burn blanket ass off for it and most people do their share and donate to hospitals or donate to different funds. Don’t demand what you don’t know.
Healthcare isnt a privilege. You can go to the hospital if u need to. Everyone gets stuck with a bill. The people who have health care work for it so that bill when it does come isn’t a huge one. You have to work for what you want to get to where u want to be. When my son was first born I didn’t qualify for benefits because of my race. Yes my race the lady at the office actually showed me what I would get if the race was changed to anything other than Caucasian.

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