Being loved, loving someone and accepting love is a action! Wolf to my granddaughter my love for you is forever full printing blanket Not a right! Happiness is a choice not a secret! It’s not just for the wealthy! It’s a equal opportunity advisor! Its available to anyone!
Wolf to my granddaughter my love for you is forever full printing blanket
Being free of the chains of relationships is the Key to unlock true love for one’s self…. Be confident in your own abilities in Life.. True love will find you once you are truly confident in yourself I’ve met a lot of people who are in relationship, they appear to everyone as the happiest partners ever. Wolf to my granddaughter my love for you is forever full printing blanket But in reality, they hid sadness and disagreements.. For that I thank God everyday
because I am a single and happy in my life. Being single is a status not a condition! Just like married, separated, divorced or widowed! Wherever you at in life the only one that is not a choice is widow! Thank you Prince Ea this message is important for not just a young ladies to hear; but young, old men and women as well! We define ourselves by who willing to love us to the point that selfworth is non existence!
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