jobbing out their customer service jobs to countries fc bayern munich aloha tropical full printing hawaiian shirt where the rep doesn’t understand English and you can get nothing done when dealing with them. Or you haven’t noticed?
fc bayern munich aloha tropical full printing hawaiian shirt
Because you live or work in another country should not mean that you have to forfiet or be disparaged for using your native language. We face racism daily everywhere. fc bayern munich aloha tropical full printing hawaiian shirt Thats the key… To face it, stand up to it and overcome it I also work in customer service for a major company, everyone in my site speaks both english and spanish (we’re in México). We of course service US people and the question we get the most is “Where are you located?” even with a perfect native English…. they demand to be transferred to someone in the US. They don’t even give us a chance…. don’t do that guys. Some of my coworkers do get very upset when stuff like this happens,
we have the same capabilities and knowledge as someone in the U.S. I got none on my shift but I try my best many get angry because I look hispanic and they think I’m trying to be “White washed” That’s what happens when people assume and then find out that are wrong. They are just haters And the sad part is that she’s an old stupid racist. Her entire life has been one of ingrained racism. thats me lol thats the reason I got hired because they need someone to speaks spanish n I dont get payed extra but I love my job and soo er than later it will pay off Hang in there. Remember that they will always need your skills. When it comes time for your review, tactfully mention how markable your skills are and how much you enjoy your job How about all these super rich corporations
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