It’s part of their core values. They may restrain her or walk away Rick and morty let’s get schwifty ugly christmas sweater but they most definitely will not throw a punch. They know they are stronger. Yes a woman should be careful because many men do not have that core value instilled in them today.
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Joan if a chick hits me and I’m fine I will probably just push her away but if she’s continually striking me and she’s doing some damage I will defend myself and if I have to knock her down to do so then so be it. do not say men raised decently won’t hit back. If a crazy, not raised decent woman is attacking a man.. Rick and morty let’s get schwifty ugly christmas sweater yes the man has a right to defend himself and hit back. Bottom line! get in the real world Joan …
if females were raised properly they wouldnt be physical or obnoxious old school theories was built on condescending attitudes, there is no place for that. You lot have many privilages and have learnt to abuse every single one of them for either personal gain or cos you could get away with it… thats pretty much what all your butthurt is about, your self loving..selfish attitudes have finally been exposed and now you feel powerless, because once again , it was something you had that you could abuse
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