Try not to make massive assumptions about people you do not know. Do you have any brain you could figure this out if this was true then Goat farming the tradition some folks just don’t get it poster why did the democrats wait until the last minute to bring this out. They just trying to hold the process,truth being since she was probably a paid protester
Goat farming the tradition some folks just don’t get it poster
How in hell do you know how I feel about Bill Clinton ! You don’t do you ! No you just are the typical Trumper that throws out blame everywhere or anywhere to avoid the truth ! I don’t care who’s side a person who assaults is on they should be called out and that included Clinton which he was because he lied just like Goat farming the tradition some folks just don’t get it poster Kavanaugh You are so wrong! Some people refuse to dwell in the past and wallow in self pity when they have been sexually abused
or have had unwanted sexual advances made to them. I know of many instances where girls/women suffered such abuse and unwanted advances, but they put it in perspective and moved forward. You are not the same person you were at 15 or even 25. Teenagers often make choices which would horrify their parents if they knew about them, but they grow up to become model citizens and live exemplary lives. They learn from their mistakes.
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