No other civil rights claim involved redefining the right being claimed. Baby yoda hug ohio state buckeyes shirt She acknowledges that. The issue is that she takes the Civil Rights Act to be a requirement for every seller to offer their goods
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if it was illegal then the scotus would have ruled against him. there’s no argument. that’s what the ruling actually says. if you bothered to read it, you would see they did not even rule on that whatsoever. still illegal and absolutely nothing changed Congratulations Baby yoda hug ohio state buckeyes shirt Jack a big win for common sense and against political correctness. No-one should be made to do (or witness or hear)
something they feel uncomfortable with. Your rights should never be tromped on by minority groups or far left radicals. Pretend otherwise all you want, but punishing wedding vendors for holding to the one aspect of the definition of marriage that cultures worldwide throughout history held to until activists on the left changed it is pretty much a far left agenda item. Regarding claims to the right to SSM and related issues:
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