and to antifa, anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideology is considered a “fascist,nazi, racist, white supremacist, bigot”, etc. that includes all conservatives, Beware the baba yaga 3d sweatshirt republicans, trump supporters & christians. thirdly, the democratic party is now embracing & admitting their socialistic agenda.
Beware the baba yaga 3d sweatshirt
well of course they do. the democrats have fostered a politically correct mind field based on identity politics that “claims” to cator to special interest groups ie; minorities, lgtbq, etc, but in reality they do nothing for them. the democrats also favor illegal immigrants over veterans & other us citizens, & now want open borders. one of the reasons for the rise in white nationalism is because of the reasons mentioned above, Beware the baba yaga 3d sweatshirt plus the democrats willingness to put millions on welfare & food stamps. not to mention that all you hear from the left is, “racists, white supremacists, bigots, nazis!” just because they try to align themselves with us conservatives, republicans, & trump supporters, doesn’t mean we accept them or align ourselves with them.

we don’t. and if you didn’t notice, there are plenty of black, hispanic, asian, lgtbq, & jewish trump supporters & more are walking away from the democratic party & joining us everyday, & we do welcome them with open arms, because we are not racists! “firstly”, antifa is an organization, a loose organization consisting of many different groups that come together for these “protests”, but they are an organization none the less. secondly, any “aggression” from the right is a drop in the bucket compared to what’s coming from the left.
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