feelings so badly to where you’ve now dedicated what, two or three days of thought? I don’t feel unwelcome here. Your rage fuels my resolve. And no, my feelings are not usually affected too much by randos on Now Black girl I am myseft I know myself yoga poster This, but if it makes you feel better to think that, go for it. What bothers me about your comments is the utter hypocrisy of your worldview,
Black girl I am myseft I know myself yoga poster
Attorneys are also covered in the domain of legal rights, so there’s no real paradox here. wow that insult is very effective. maybe use that in your next paper? Black girl I am myseft I know myself yoga poster I cannot stand people like you who are so dead set on dividing the left because you cant appreciate when someone agrees with you on 90% of the issue at hand. Yeah, right, I should be executed for asking a question.

They aretrying to remove social security , making people like u think we don’t work our whole life’s for that brief chunk of change will be getting when we retire. Then why do we have taxes, roads still look fucked up, people are still going hungry, and our education system is shit! When did I say to restrict access to doctors? Point it out for me. Show me where in the comments that I hurt your
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