after my own passed away .. Butterfly night stainless steel tumbler we’re still keep in touch even we live in two different countries…as the same first day we met ….22 years of friendship and sisterhood…I wish her all the best with her children and husband
Butterfly night stainless steel tumbler
hurts so bad to see and hear all the wrong my young man is out here trying to do. Hurts like hell no father just me and his brothers. He don’t want no positive right now It took me 9 years to realise my friend wasnt my friend..real work.only 2 that is all I needs.i guranteed.they rarent failures..the others was just a.smirk..real smirk. Butterfly night stainless steel tumbler My friend told me circle as to be small.after what I been through..God 1st on myagenda alltime Friendship starts with yourself,
I believe if you have a strong positive mind set it can be hard for others to influence you to do the wrong things, copying someones negative energy will only give them fuel to carry out their agenda. my son is in the hospital now fighting for his life due to hanging with fake friends. He was setup by his cousin to be robbed and shot in the mouth…. he’s has major spine damage. And all I did was preach this message to him daily. fortunately I have a great friend she became my sister

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