Get a clue before you rudely reply to a comment. sadly as a gay black man, Can-am motorcycles logo full printing shirt I use to discriminated against pretty regularly, now I don’t normally tell anyone if Set up!
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This is grossly unjust treatment, hence discrimination. If you dont live their lives, it’s hard for “some” to understand.Even the government make this mistake and that why there’s innocent people in jail. Can-am motorcycles logo full printing shirt your welcome. This made me so angry. At least he lost his job but should have been made to take diversity training. Your friend is lucky she has you to help fight the fight I really loved you comment. I am not justifying the behaviour of that stupid man but now days everyone is making pranks and all. Sometimes is hard to believe what is real and what is fake. writing it down wouldn’t help when he is insisting she return to the speaker to place an order.
agreed the guys is a fucking retard no doubt but in the Oder hand she put herself in this situation in purpose and I am going to explain why? Knowing she has a disability why she did not ask her companion to order the product, she wanted things difficult too , she need to understand that people out there are not as kind as her willing to help or understand. Bad move and I think but provoked the situation unnecessarily are you daft clearly he is not discriminating she has been replying to everything he has said ,she ought to be ashamed you are the daft one and it’s obvious that you dont understand what it means to be deaf. Most deaf people read lips. She’s reading his lips! He has refused to take her order at the window and is telling her to order through the SPEAKER.

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