but they won’t crowd him out. Unless you tag me on these comments,I won’t get the notifications…so if you are truly interested and searching,and want Christmas smiling grinch face 3d all over printed shirt whatever light I might be able to shed,you’ll have to tag me. Otherwise,I hope you find what you’re looking for…
Christmas smiling grinch face 3d all over printed shirt
Can I suggest that you know the words,but you are struggling with the Word….and that it’s possible,with your professed doubts,that God is sending people to you to open your eyes,but you are refusing to see? I don’t mean to offend you by saying that…I just know that I grew up with that same blind faith,and I was sent people to open my eyes time after time, Christmas smiling grinch face 3d all over printed shirt but I refused to see. I also know that before I became a true believer(on his merits,not what I was taught,or read)that I was offended when someone questioned my “Christianity”….now I am grateful when someone corrects me,and we can have a respectful real discussion about God and the Bible.

I know people that can’t recite Bible verses and can’t explain different parts,but their love of God is almost palpable….and I know people,and pastors,that can name book,chapters,and verses,but the truth and love of God is far from them,and they don’t even know it. If you are truly searching and you are his,there will come a time when your faith will come from him,and your doubts will be fleeting. I say fleeting,because we weren’t meant to understand it all in our present state,so doubts about what we read and experience will happen,
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