Many times after the child’s birth she can step back and see the beauty in the world again. Georgia tech yellow jackets football this is how i save the world face mask The far right is criminalizing women who have abortions following rape or incest, even in war zones.
Georgia tech yellow jackets football this is how i save the world face mask
I can understand your point, I also believe that if a woman gets an abortion just because she doesn’t want to have a kid should have the same type of procedure so she doesn’t have kids anymore Georgia tech yellow jackets football this is how i save the world face mask To have an abortion to save the mothers life especially if she has other kids is understandable but murdering a baby because you’re not responsible enough to have a child yet, but you do the very thing that makes babies with no regard of the consequences and just kill a baby is wrong And I also like to point out the irony in your comment, if you believe men do not have a right in this decision,
then you do not have the right to tell man what to do with their bodies okay virgin mary, get pregnant without a man. Jesus all you pro choice chicks this retarded ? what if that woman, or young girl, is raped and gets pregnant? Should she also be required to have her uterus removed? if we’re going that route, since it does take a man to help make a baby. We should sterilize that man too. you are so correct. I think this is a man issue to show how many women they can get pregnant…. how many babies they can pop out to put knots onbtheir belts You play you pay. Called accountability. Dont make baby pay for your irresponsibility actually, many times the mothers relationship with the child ends up healing her heart. There is so much love and innocence coming at that woman from her baby.

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