I will forever love and honor my man. Groot hold black velvet whisky full printing shirt Every phone call he tells me how beautiful i am, how much he loves me, comforts me, we always snuggle up to each other every night to watch a movie, and yes we are very in love!
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Not every marriage is healthy. If we glorify marriage too much then sometimes people stay in very unhealthy situations. It’s important to know when to leave too. Especially women who stay with abusive partners. Yes this is touching but this man is still a lying selfish Groot hold black velvet whisky full printing shirt Cheat that no one even there son will ever know that he was going to leave his sick dying mum. So everyone will think he’s a faithful widow BUT he’s not.
When we exchanged our vows with my husband, i was heavily pregnant with our baby, a baby we wanted. A year later i put on the most beautiful wedding dress to walk up the isle to the same man! We are going through financial difficulties now, as he is getting less money from work, but we stick together and i do my best to make him feel better from the strength he gives me, he is my husband, my other half.

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