taking the other one for granted and Groot hold dewar’s full printing shirt abuse and make use of the other one. People shd learn tt in friendships/relationships – one must learn to have regards, respect and appreciation towards one another
Groot hold dewar’s full printing shirt
and created us to be human not saints of course we will make mistakes on our life’s journey when one slip and make a mistake we should turn before AlmightyGod praying for forgiveness knowing that we are not perfect although god give us the ability too strive for perfection Honor and respect your mate keep God conscious and treat others the way Groot hold dewar’s full printing shirt you want too be treated That’s the way it duld be when you both say I do I been with my wife 30 years She messed up one time
I forgive her I have been her caregiver four years where I do all for her 24.7 that’s what it means when you say I do To me be it friendships or relationships, the longer it is the more you love, like and treasure the person, the friendship, the relationship. But sometimes it is broken because it became a one-way friendship/relationship where one becomes very inconsiderate, disrespectful, unkind, unreasonable and demanding to the other partner/friend

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