Peace love and light! respect so he’s being racist simply I’m a warrior of God the lord Jesus is my commanding officer all over printed shirt because he doesn’t accept or agree with someone being transgender! foh! ppl like you make me sick! you can’t force nobody to accept anything they feel is wrong and goes against nature!
I’m a warrior of God the lord Jesus is my commanding officer all over printed shirt
I just never judged ppo or disliked them unless I was wronged or hurt by someone and I Wouldn’t choose a relationship with someone because they were gay nor would I stop talking to them or being friends with them if that’s what I was to them. I don’t have to apologize for or accept a person’s choice of how they live their lives regardless of them being related to me I’m a warrior of God the lord Jesus is my commanding officer all over printed shirt or not because I’m not God and can’t judge them because he created everyone just like he forgives everyone supposedly by the death of his sun. (right) The rules ppo live by seem to change based on their feelings
and opinions not really “Christ ” like IN my opinion based on the commandments that are said to be the word of God. I’m not even religious I’m spiritual that’s why I don’t entertain the nonsense of discrimination IN the first place. Some of the most beautiful ppo are beautiful IN their hearts not IN their actions or looks or how ppo feel about their choices or lifestyle. A transgender person or gay or whatever kind of person may have to save your lives one day and your opinion of them will be the life or death of you. I can guarantee you that and I have no more to say about the truth.
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