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I’ve repeatedly characterized this case as severe punishment for trivial “harm.” Rather than any admission that a even a severe penalty isn’t called for I’m told that my ethnic (etc.) categories disqualify me from evaluating whether declining to bake someone a cake is a serious crime. King of beers budweiser shirt Also, that the law requires it anyway. This is why the word “legalism” has and deserves negative connotations.

Nevermind whether it’s just or whether we might apply the law in a way more consistent with the Constution; the”progressive” application of it says you lose, so you lose! And another dissenter gets cleared off the field.* (The ever-expanding field of excessive “progressive” regulation.) I’m Catholic and know and worship the Holy Trinity, but Jesus taught us to love and respect our neighbors, even if we disagree. I’m sure this guy will make a ton of money from the fame and recognition. I wonder
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