I’m a boomer and have always been annoyed Knights templar stainless steel tumbler when my generation disrespects the children we raised. You didn’t demand participation trophies…we did. We kept you close out of fear, which didn’t give you wings…
Knights templar stainless steel tumbler
I think you are right-of course everyone needs to e responsible human beings. Some decisions make more sense to some people than others even if it may have been different years before for our parents or grandparents. Lets stop judging and let everyone live their way as long as they are not causing serious Knights templar stainless steel tumbler issues or harming anyone. While watching I found myself feeling better. I am 61 but never got married, never had kids,
lived with my parents longer than I should..etc etc etc…I felt different than most in my generstion, kind of left out. But now I feel maybe I was more forward thinking…and I’m really Nothing wrong with saving money but still living in basement is not a great idea tbh. The parents can get sick of that pretty quick and end up just tolerating it. Its better to get outn on your own and learn to be independent at an early age and show some initiative. Dont rely on your parents too much.

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