I am Canadian Korn see you on the other side full over printed shirt and I had cancer ten years ago I never had any problems with our health care in Canada I wouldn’t be alive today if not for our excellent doctors and health care.
Korn see you on the other side full over printed shirt
or don’t charge one price… the insurance system- which the government (go figure) created, regulates and allows is the major cause of the health care crisis in this country That too me is a conservative outlook on healthcare. Competitive free-market idea of displaying prices, which I have been advocating for years. Korn see you on the other side full over printed shirt I called for prices for xrays and vasectomy. Professionals either don’t know how to answer or have to call back to give a definite price.
I’m not a fan of saying that Drs have to take all insurance. If that doctor doesn’t accept your insurance, go to a different one. That’ll teach em. Maybe all ERs should have to accept all insurance for life-threatening treatments. I just read and article of a lady that was I labor and went to a hospital that was on her network but the doctor that attended her was not, so she end up with a 30 thousand dollars bill. And on the comments I saw a lot of similar cases.

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