goody 2 shoes is not always the way to go. Lion of judah lamb of God poster There is a time for everything, there is a time to stand against injustice. She won a unanimous verdict in the supreme court. That counts for something in my book.
Lion of judah lamb of God poster
and you are being g totally uncooperative and ignoring them to pray instead. yea they have full rights to ask her to stop until they conduct their business. praying can be stalled and even continued. and your religion is not a get out of jail free card. and it does not grant you extra rights over anyone else. Lion of judah lamb of God poster SHe was cited for disturbing the peace due to neighbors who generated a radio call. She was indeed ordered to stop praying and to stand up as she was obstructing
and delaying the investigation. Mary Anne Sause is only explaining her side and not the whole truth. I wonder the words the cops actually used. Did they actually say merely, “Stop praying?” or “Could you stop what you’re doing and stand up and talk to us?” I am a Christian. Yes, people have the right to pray. They still need to respond gently and appropriately when asked. Not always every situation is different,

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