Hey instead of saying he took the attention away from the kids maybe you should think about Merry christmas ya filthy muggle and a happy new year ugly sweater why kids should be in activities because they enjoy it not for your enjoyment it is the kids enjoyment. This was a rehearsal not a recital
Merry christmas ya filthy muggle and a happy new year ugly sweater
She was a child and her father came to comfort her. we see what kind of mom you are if you are 1 You do anything and everything to build your child up.If that’s what it Take do it she enjoyed herself.Iam sure he ran out there with baby for attention.Grow up and face the real world and don’t be such a downer Wow negative people in this world. Merry christmas ya filthy muggle and a happy new year ugly sweater You dont know what his intentions were so stop assuming he wanted 5 mins of fame it was just a rehearsal he didnt know anyone was gonna record it. Obviously he was there for his daughter all by himself because the mother would have taken the baby so he could help the one on stage.

He was there to support and help his daughter I give kudos to him because theres not many dads out there like that. Talk about 5 mins of fame maybe you just wanted to talk negative on here so you can get your 5 mins of fame but perhaps instead of playing the victim you could perhaps say you were wrong and learn to maybe not criticize people without having all the facts in the first place. You have absolutely now way to know if he would have done this in an actual recital rather than the dress rehearsal. So to assume he would is just as ignorant as your initial post of assuming he did. Just food for thought
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