helped you trough the darkest day hmm okey NBA phoenix suns anti pollution face mask Not everyone has the greatest mothers! I fortunately did, but knew someone who’s mother was absolutely twisted and rotten to the core. It’s sad
NBA phoenix suns anti pollution face mask
I remember when rap was about spittin’ lyrics that were from everyday life.. that’s what rap was about… now you say he’s judging him from his Shady persona? NBA phoenix suns anti pollution face mask His lyrics come from his persona so it makes him fake as fuck. here is Eminem telling you something: “They say music can alter moods and talk to you Well can it load a gun up for you, and cock it, too Well if it can, then the next time you assault a dude Just tell the judge it was my fault and I’ll get sued” there is something called revolutionizing a genre. He has done just that. Nobody in the world raps like him. Even non hip hop lovers love Eminem. you are obviously ignorant and like to make assumptions about music
But do you not understand where he’s conning from ?? If I was tormented and pissed on as a child I would probably be quite hostile myself and ready to prove the world wrong.. So you know him? If you do not, do not write some fucking shit you know nothing about. Some of his lyrics may be more vulgar than most songs people hear daily. Yet, if you actually tried to carefully listen to each bar word for word, I guarantee you most of them have a far deeper meaning than you realize, double entendres for days, plays on words, insane rhyming patterns, etc. Its about how, now what hes saying. Eminem helped me through my darkest days. For all that know me, know that to be true. Peace. so when he talk shitt aboute his mom he

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